Landhuis Zonnedaele Zonnebeke


City of Zonnebeke

ca. 525 m2

Zonnebeke (BE)

Cie-O + Sabine Okkerse, Endes, Lime

  • study
  • in progress
  • built

“It takes a whole village to raise a child” >< “It takes a whole village to take care of its elderly and lonely people”
Restoring connective tissue, therefore you need spatial support, a physical place.
For us, that is the purpose of Villa Zonnedaele, the idea that architecture is capable of influencing social behaviour, of demolishing “fences” between. Where worlds collide a bit, you find the potential of connecting. By approaching, crossing, sitting in front of a fireplace and starting to talk.

The salon on the ground floor has been furnished in the shade of the program above. This spot on the sheltered side of the villa is the secure place for the elderly, with its own terrace and vegetable garden.

The majestic stairs to multi-purpose spaces and the ceremonial hall have been pulled outwards Villa Zonnedaele into the landscape. A big and outspoken gesture towards its surroundings as this massive movement did not go hand in hand with the serenity of the ground floor.
This gesture gives the Villa a very public character, showing where the public entrance is.
Due to this, the first floor becomes a raised ground level. This has the advantage that the mental distance to the ceremony hall on the top floor is drastically shortened.