Regional Technical Center Kortrijk


Vrije technische scholen (NPO)


Oudenaardsesteenweg 168, Kortrijk (BE)

Francis Catteeuw + Lieven Dejaeghere

© Vercruysse & Dujardin

  • study
  • in progress
  • built

The RTC is run by the NPO Pro-Mechatronica – an organisation invoked to help improve the quality of technical education in southwest Flanders. The center was in need of a quick (12 month total) extension, containing a new administrative zone and a robotics classroom.

The design puts forth a no-nonsense strategy. By creating a slit in the existing playground canopy, a long and airy void emerged. In this area, a prefabricated timber frame construction with an overview over the factory behind and the playground in front, was erected.
The robotics classroom, conceived as a floating entity hanging from the existing roof structure, was located in the factory hall. Its edges are demarked by see-through drapery and a velvety red carpet, making it more of a class-area than a typical -room.

Thus, complementary to the new insights the school wishes to generate, the playground, administration, factory hall and classroom are now endowed with mutual look-throughs.